
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Finished Turnip Row

Finally finished my new row to plants turnips. 

Here's my kelp compost pile that i'll be using as fertilizer.

I dug a trench through the row and layered in some kelp.

I filled the trench with soil, covering the kelp.

Here is the finished row.

Now i'm waiting for the weather to cooperate so I can put in my turnip seedlings. 


  1. Glad you discovered my blog as it is always great to meet other Canadian bloggers. I will add you to my Canada Blog Hop. Hope you get your turnips in the ground soon. I'm growing lots of veggies in large containers.

    1. many thanks for your comment, it may be the last of June before we put plants in the ground here.

  2. Nice soil. Not as many rocks as I expected for that part of the world - what type of potato are you growing?

    1. I've been adding compost and doing work on this soil for a few years and now I have it in pretty good shape. The spuds i'll be planting are Russet and Yukon Gold.
      Thanks for your comment.

    2. Simon..i've tried to post comments to your blog on several occasions but they don't seem to pass approval. Any idea what the problem is?
